Introducing Vee SEETAL ..
The Ayurvedic Cafe is a company dedicated to ayurvedic living and education. We have taken the
complication out of ayurvedic cooking, by producing a ready made pack, feeding your family of 4 while
bringing balance to your doshas.
One of the first things ayurvedic medicine speaks of is “Everything is medicine” we realize that your diet,
lifestyle and routine contributes to your overall state of being and health and wellness. This is why when
you come to see us for an assessment, dis-ease or imbalances, we account for your whole lifestyle, as it
creates your body and the body tells the most accurate story of your current state of health and being.
One of our recommendations is diet. This can be a big thing to consider, so we have taken the effort out
of making a change, by providing ready prepared, ease ayurvedic meals.
The style of cooking and preparation, is like learning to make pasta, new and different, fun and yum!
The flavours are delicious and unlike anything you have tried before. Consider the whole experience a
tasty new experience journeying to your inner wellness. The packs will teach you how to use culinary herbs and spices in your every day cooking, how to activate them with ghee and how your healing your body from the inside, one meal at a time.
You will feel inspired and healthier with your new weekly staple.
The beauty of our meals is they are tri-doshic, meaning everyone in the family can enjoy the meal that is specifically balancing your imbalances and keeping you in alignment.
The vision
Our mission is to bring people back to the ancient knowledge and wisdom of our ancestors and recognise Food is Medicine.
That everything in nature has a time, a season, an energy and is made up of the 5 elements = Space, Air, Fire, Water, Earth. Even you!
With this awareness, we use the time of day and season to know what our body needs to remain balanced. We want to remind you, when its cold, its time to eat warm food. Simple almost lost knowledge that will change your life!
Your digestion works is based on your energetical make up, Vata needs things well cooked, where as Kapha can digest anything slowly but with ease. What works for you, may not work for another dosha and we will show you the simplicity behind why, taking the labels and intolerance’s away by breaking down and delivering 5000 year old way of life. Our meal packs are just the tip of the ice-burg. Learn more about your health through ayurvedic lifestyle consultations available online.
What is Ayurveda?
Did you know, texture, temperature & taste effects the overall quality of your food? Cooking a carrot in water, takes it from hard, crunchy, cold and raw, to soft, warm, smooth & brings out the sweetness.
The way we prepare and consume food will change its end quality. Those qualities effect the energy and balance of dosha. Which is why some people can eat a raw carrot and feel great, while others get pain and bloating raw but feel satisfied and have ease in digestion when it is cooked.
Some doshas respond better to eating a Sweet flavor, while others Bitter is best.
These are simple ayurvedic principles. When applied with accuracy, make big changes in your overall energy, function and digestion process. Thus, aiding in the optimum function, absorption and health of the body.
Here at The Ayurvedic Cafe, we have used these principles to package easy meals. to bring convenience to your table with ethically sourced herbs and spices, making your transition to healthy & clean living, seemless.
Digestion issues?
Have you thought about the method, preparation and source of your food? The timing and combination of ingredients?
The Ayurvedic Cafe has. With our range of Dosha balancing foods, recognising your dosha, knowing how to eat & cook for it, can bring you back to ease in digestion and grace in expulsion.
Cant eat rice? Belly hurts after lentils? Labelled with some sort of intolerance? Have you considered the chemicals in your food? Or the type of rice your selecting, cooking method, time & prep?