Introducing the creators & garden witches of this small local business; Morgane and Angie.
These two little witches met on High Valley Dawn permaculture farm, and they instantly connected over their mutual love for the healing magic of plants.
Both come from conventional medical backgrounds;
- Morgane has 15 years experience in nursing (bachelor of nursing) and mental health as well as massage therapy.
- Angie spent the last 8 years studying a bachelor of paramedicine and working as a paramedic for the public health system. Now they both shift to the mysterious, easily accessible but powerful medicine of NATURE.
Guided by nature's spirit they came to embrace the sacred garden, to re-establish the portal that exists between human and plant.
~ "alternative remedies are right there all around us, always providing us true medicine, we just need to unlock this potential within our own mental paradigm to be in alignment with and access what she (Gaia) is bearing in order to heal our sickness" .

Our ethics and values
The Permalchemist is born within a Permaculture farm in Yeppoon (@Highvalleydawn) consisting of a food forest, bush-tucker forest, market garden, syntropic agroforestry and a nursery.
All of which focus on transparent, chemical free farming methods that provide an abundance of edible & medicinal produce whilst supporting native species to create a thriving ecosystem.
We work with the seasons, supported by a community of residents and woofers who live onsite to enjoy and appreciate a unique experience.
We embody the permaculture principles of people care, earth care, and fair share. These consciously grown subtropical plants are here for us, primed to support us in righting the course to live healthy & vibrant lives & we wish to share this through the expression of our business. Just like the symbiotic relationship of the garden we too work and operate with the local community & nature.